イベント EVENT




※『MEANWHILE A BUTTERFLY FLIES』のみ日本語字幕付き。当日はセリフ翻訳などを載せたレジュメを無料配布します。
※上映前に当上映プログラムの企画者Vika Mnoさんによる挨拶と簡単な解説あり。


『MEANWHILE A BUTTERFLY FLIES(蝶が飛んでいる間に)』(2002年/52分/フランス)


“A cinematic homage in his own style to Jonas Mekas,
Julius Ziz has chosen to make this homage to the ‘father’ of the avantgarde in Mekas’ own film style: breathless, poetic, zany, often moving, Mekas talks and sings, and is nearly always inspiring.
(Rotterdam International Film Festival)

『THE WINDOW(窓)』(1989年/18分/グルジア・リトアニア)


Text:小林俊道 (メカス日本日記の会)

THE WINDOW (1989,18min,Georgia,Lithuania)
Shot in Lithuania “The Window” is a portrait of the artist’s grandmother.
The negatives of this film were destroyed when the Tbilisi Film Academy was bombed during the Georgian civil war. The only existing print of this film is now in the collection of The Museum of Modern Art New York.
“Julius Ziz’s short non-narrative film,”The Window” at once establishes a significant new film artist whose control and understanding of the expressive power of cinema is extraordinarily compelling, Ziz’s verse is a shadow, his lyric interior landscape. Nuanced and inflected by subtle changes in color and sound, “The Window” is like a melancholic poem, both crystalline and ambiguous, about serenity and passage”
(Laurence Kardish Senior curator of The Film Department The Museum of Modern Art New York)

『AND THE PIG WAS BORN(そして豚が生まれた)』(2000年/23分/アメリカ)


AND THE PIG WAS BORN (2000,23min,USA )
“A tour-de-force montage film with spirit of Vigo and Bunuel hovering over it. Made before Godard’s Origin of 21st Century, Ziz’s film provokes interesting comparisons. Both deal with images of the twentieth century, but while Godard’s film could be described as a poster, Ziz’s film is a poem. I don’t have to tell you which one I prefer”
(Jonas Mekas.)

『THE WOLF(狼)』(2008年/20分/リトアニア)


THE WOLF (2008,20min,Lithuania)
“Julius Ziz’s disturbing short film balances between beauty and menace. It suggests that there may be grace in being threatened, tracked and hunted: it posits evil in the power of the pursuer and shows how that power infects innocence. Shot in bright sun and light-dappled forests,”The Wolf” speaks of horror of mankind in the ravishing face of nature. It is a remarkable work about how society defines itself in terms of whom it excludes, a tearful portrait of tribalism.”
(Laurence Kardish Senior curator of The Film Department The Museum of Modern Art New York)

ユリュス・ジス(Julius Ziz)

1970年、リトアニア生まれ。映画監督。1988年にグルジアのトビリシ映画アカデミーに入学。1990年にニューヨークに招待されて初監督作品『The Window』を上映、「詩のようだ」とのジョナス・メカスの高い評価が転機となり、〈アンソロジー・フィルム・アーカイブズ=AFA〉に活動の場を移す。その後、AFAにてジョン・カサベテスやルイス・ブニュエルなどの特集上映に携わるかたわら、94年から現在まで『The Poet』『The Wolf』など10余本の映画作品を監督。なかでも、日本の俳句を映像表現に採り入れた短篇作品『3 Images Films』で好評を博し、AFAはじめ、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)、シネマテイク・フランセーズほかに作品が収蔵されている。現在はアイルランドを拠点に世界の第一線で活躍中。

Text:小林俊道 (メカス日本日記の会)